
Monday, December 10, 2007

The Principles of Uncertainty

I worked on a book called (un)Fashion with Maira Kalman in my publishing days and I have to say that it was one of the most interesting book parties I have ever attended (it was at a dry cleaning factory in the West Village with unlimited booze provided by Absolut) - I am going to to leave it at that. She is a true original and The Principles of Uncertainty is a must for any Maira Kalman fan! I have it on my wishlist :-)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Holidays on Ice

I read Holidays on Ice: Stories every holiday season - why? Because it's funny as all hell. This year I decided to download it to my iPod so I could listen to it because it's really funnier listening it to it read by the author. So far I am on my 3rd listen and I am still laughing.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Just in Case You Didn't Know

In the Know: The Classic Guide to Being Cultured and Cool

Nancy MacDonell Smith explores the origins, meaning, and remarkable staying power of the ten staples of feminine fashion:

* the little black dress
* the white shirt
* the cashmere sweater
* blue jeans
* the suit
* high heels
* pearls
* lipstick
* sneakers
* the trench coat

Tracing the evolution of each item from inception to icon status, she reveals the history and social significance of each, from the black dress's associations with danger and death to the status implications of the classic white shirt. Incorporating sources from history, literature, magazines, and cinema, as well as her own witty anecdotes, Smith has created an engaging, informative guide to modern style.

From the publisher: There are still a few things money can’t buy. Love is one, cool is another. The good news is that cool isn’t inherent, it’s a code, and the code can be cracked. It’s all a matter of getting the right facts straight: Why is Jackson Pollock important? What handbag will get you upgraded at the airport? Who is Jacques Derrida and why does he matter? Like your smart, hip girlfriend with the book of Susan Sontag essays in her Chloé bag, Nancy MacDonell has assembled in one entertaining, fact-filled volume everything you need to know to navigate life with style and flair.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Oh I am going to "need" Amanda Harlech & Karl Lagerfeld: Palazzo it's such an interesting concept (I love a pictorial narrative) from who else but Karl. I honestly have not splurged on a big illustrated book since I bought Tiffany Pearls which is depressing.

Monday, October 1, 2007

40 Years of Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren - Has it been that long??? I guess so! I received a beautiful & large promo piece for the upcoming book published by Rizzoli. For a sneak peek click here the book will be released on Oct. 16th. This is a LARGE book - over 700 photos! I am going to invest in this one because I have loved so many of his campaigns especially the ones shot by my favorite, Bruce Weber.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Petite Pattern Book Series

How cute is Petite Pattern Book - Check & Knit (Bnn Pattern Book Series)? I bet they are REALLY fun if you are good with all those jazzy Illustrator computer programs! You can make your own wrapping paper, stationery, whatever!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Deluxe: How Luxury Lost it's Luster

I obtained an advance copy of Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster in bound galley format and wanted to give anyone interested in reading an update. This is a MUST read for anyone that loves luxury brands and wants to know the "behind the scenes" information. It is SO interesting and informative. Even though I am reading it in an incorrected format, it's still great.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Cottages and Mansions of the Jersey Shore

I know many of you may be surprised to know that NJ is not all Bon Jovi, Springsteen and The Sopranos. It's actually a very beautiful place as can be seen in Cottages and Mansions of the Jersey Shore by Caroline Seebohm.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Useless Information Society

The Book of Useless Information
Did you know (or do you care)...?

• That fish scales are used to make lipstick?
• Why organized crime accounts for ten percent of the United States’s annual income?
• The name of the first CD pressed in the United States?
• The last year that can be written upside-down or right side-up and appear the same?
• The shortest performance ever nominated for an Oscar®?
• How much Elvis weighed at the time of his death?
• What the suits in a deck of cards represent?
• How many Quarter Pounders can be made from one cow?
• How interesting useless information can be?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Summer Reading 2007 Follow-up

I thought I would pop in for my follow up. I have been reading at least 3 books a week since summer started. Must be the weather. There are the ones I can remember off the top of my head. Here are my very short reviews:

Bright Lights Big Ass by Jen Lancaster: If you loved the last one, you'll love this one. Get it! I laughed as much as I did when I read "Bitter is the New Black". It's nice to see Jen hasn't lost her sarcastic sense of humor that I greatly admire.

Dedication by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus: Great if you were a child of the 80s and enjoyed the other books by the authors (The Nanny Diaries).

Life's a Beach by Claire Cook: This is a feel good, perfect summer reading book. I literally read it in one day at the beach. Buy this book you will NOT be disappointed.

Because She Can by Bridie Clark: If you've worked in publishing, buy this book. Overall a pretty decent book that's perfect for the beach or the pool. Worth reading.

Summer at Tiffany by Marjorie Hart: Excellent book. Perfect for all ages and a great little memoir of life in the big city in the 1940s.

Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella: Cute as always. You can't go wrong with a book by this author. As long as she keeps writing, I will be reading them!

Rules for Saying Goodbye by Katherine Taylor: Best book I've read in a long time. I can't even tell you how this book spoke to me. Excellent piece of literature.

Lulu Meets God and Doubts Him by Danielle Ganek: Loved it! If you are into the whole NYC gallery scene, you will love this book. I couldn't put it down. The ending was a little predictable but overall I highly recommend it.

I am still working on "Little Pink Slips" by Sally Koslow, (addendum: I liked this one a lot), "Cocktails for Three" by Madeleine Wickham (aka Sophie Kinsella) and "Goodbye Jimmy Choo" by Annie Sanders. The last two were just OK for me but good quick reads for the beach or vacation.

I have shelved 2 longer books, one being "Summer People" which I mentioned a while ago, because it's a little slow moving (addendum: VERY slow moving - I didn't like it at all).